Changing Trends In Fashion

Fashion industry has revolutionized a lot. Different trends come and fade with the passage of time. But the interesting thing is that all the fashion trends keep on revolving. The combination of old and new fashion has led to different and unique fashion styles. Clothing is the most important feature of fashion. We all are quite conscious about our costumes which we wear on casual and formal occasions. Clothing styles are quite unique in different regions of the world. Changing trends in fashion are influenced due to different reasons which will be discussed in this article.

Cultural Influences

Every nation cherishes their cultures in different ways. Our everyday life styles and routines are quite influenced by the cultures we all carry. Clothing is one such aspect of our daily life which is influenced by culture. Role of culture cannot be separated from the society. Different regions of the world have different cultures and their clothes represent their cultures in different ways. Culture also changes with the passage of time and we have seen drastic change in clothing industry in 21st century. This shows that culture has a strong influence on the attires we wear in our daily lives for different occasions and events. Religion is also a part of culture and we also see its reflection in different clothing styles. Thus, it shows that cultural influences our wearing styles and we all follow them knowingly or unknowingly.

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Role of Environment in Fashion

Environment is another important factor which deserves the credit to influence fashion in different ways. Environment has different features such as climate and weather. Our clothing style is quite influenced by the environment we dwell in. the change of weather and climate brings change in clothing. The change is not just a shift of winter to summer clothes or vice versa, but this change is according the latest trends and fashion. We all observe seasonal changes in clothing and we all look forward for unique designs for each season. Thus, the environment is directly related to the fashion we choose for ourselves and our clothing is specially affected by the environment.

Desire to Look Different

It is the human nature that everyone wants to be the center of attention by different ways; fashionable clothes are one such way to look different and stylish in the gatherings and parties. We not only pay attention to our apparels but all of us pay heed to accessories and footwear as well, these all things make us complete. Fashion enhances confidence in different way. We all want to get praised and get positive reviews from our society and therefore, we spend a lot to look individual and classy. The changing trends in fashion have modified our personalities and ideas too. Fashion is not just extrinsic but intrinsic in nature.

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Aforementioned are some of the reasons of changing fashion trends. Fashion has widespread influence on all the people, it has permeated into our lives making us more conscious the we look and get inspired by other people’s clothing as well. And it is not at all the bad thing, it is a good thing that we take care of ourselves, we love ourselves and we like change which is the rule of nature. So, changes maintain the true essence of life. 

Author Bio: The author of this blog is Melody Wilson, She likes to hang around with friends and is quite fun loving person. She is quite passionate about latest designs in apparels; her current obsession is Anthony Lemke Vest, which she is wearing all the time.