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Points To Consider Before You Buy Professional Sous Vide Equipment

The Word “Sous Vide” literally means “under vacuum” in French; so it is no surprise that this cooking method was made popular by Mr. Georges Pralus in his “Restaurant Troisgros” in Roanne, France. Though the principle was discovered much earlier in 1799 and later used in the food preservation industry […]

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Know The Reason Why Prenatal Yoga Is Important

Now that you are all ready for the little member to arrive at your home with basic things set it is high time for you to take some fitness initiatives. Agreed with the fact that workout is a big no when a woman is pregnant but there are some important […]

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Shake Off Your Boredom With Exciting Trekking Adventures

Many of you might be feeling wedged amidst the same humdrum office days, family endeavours and boring routine. Come on, how can you stay bored when you have so many options on your plate? There is no need to feel bored because there are plenty of spots within and near […]

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Why A Love Swing Could Be A Great Investment

Why would a love swing could be a great investment? The more broad-minded and experimental of our readers may already have heard of love swings – and may even own one themselves! But for those who are new to these exciting and fun products, in this post i will tell […]

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Looking To Add A Kick To Your Love Life?

For couples who have been together for a long period of time, a touch of complacency can sometimes kick in and the romance drifts away. Stressful working lives, busy evenings, bills to pay, chores to do and TV schedules to watch mean that sometimes, our love lives end up on […]